Former Houston Evening News Anchor
Famous YouTube Influencer
Experience the Magic!
We have your Answers!
How long does a procedure take?
The initial procedure will generally take approximately 2 hours. Touch up procedures usually do not require as much time.
Which Artist or Technician should I use?
Choose a technician carefully. Consider their training, years of experience and thier portfolio. It is important to remember that the color, shape and proper placement of the procedure are all very important. The desired look is obtained during the course of consultation, initial procedure and follow up procedures. Establishing a good rapport between you and your technician or artist, as I prefer to be called, should be of utmost importance.
Sterlization and Sanitation Practices
This is one of the easiest areas to make a really bad mistake. If your technician's work clothes look like a Astronaut or they are going to work at a HAZMAT crime scene... this does not keep YOU safe. When starting to work in any field that deals with blood, it is imperative that one take the iniative to RELEARN a lot of new habit to protect the client, and yourself.
I'll give you just one example, then let your mind run with this thought...
It's easy to forget that you have contaminated gloves, then touch a button on a chair or a cabinet door handle - and bam. You have whatever the last client has... Hepatitis is one of the easiest blood borne pathogens to transfer from client to client. SO BE CAREFUL. Your technician should be changing gloves often. They should NEVER touch anything in the office with contaminated gloves.
My work area is kept as clean and orderly as possible.
The entire work space including my chairs, floors, trays, all equipment, pigment topical and anesthetic bottles with disinfectant wipes that are designed to kill bacteria, tuberculosis, HIV & Hepatitis.
I don't make my clients ASK, I always show that I am about to install a brand new, sterile needle, fresh from the sealed packaging BEFORE starting thier procedure.
Supplies that come in contact with your skin are also strictly disposable in nature.
I use sterile, surgical gloves throughout the procedure and get fresh ones if I have to remove them during the procedure.
I methodically tape off any surface that I might need to touch during a session. This includes buttons on the chair, drawer handles, phone, switches, dials, to prevent cross-contamination
My machine is also wrapped to prevent cross contamination.
At the end of the procedure, I re-wipe all surfaces with the same cold sterilization wipes or fluids.
Why are multiple sessions necessary?
Every face is different. Each skin type is different. Some skin types accept the pigment better than other types and more pigment may be retained in one session with one person over another. Also, fine details, additional color, depth or design adjustments are more easily made after the initial healing is complete. A follow-up visit is always considered vital - if only to meet to discuss healed outcome of the procedure, take your after picture, and agree that no further work is necessary. Typically it takes a total of at least 2, possibly 3 applications, 4-8 weeks apart to achieve the desired outcome.
If this is permanent, why are future touch-ups necessary?
Because there are always issues that affect the appearance of your procedure. The number 1 culprit is sun exposure! Also, changing health conditions, smoking, medications, anti-aging products, and hormonal changes all can have an effect on your pigment retention. You should keep up with your follow up visits to help prolong your investment.
Why does permanent makeup fade faster than body tattoos?
First of all, Permanent cosmetics are a form of cosmetic tattooing and should be thought of as being a “permanent” tattoo. They are just a little bit different than traditional tattoos on the body. All colors will fade overtime, however, body art generally fades at a slower rate than cosmetic tattooing. For one, most body tattoos are protected from UV rays from the sun by clothing. Also, body tattoos are applied much deeper into the skin and with heavier saturation than with permanent cosmetics. Cosmetic tattoos on the face, may fade faster because the application is lighter and there may be more sun exposure. Also, facial skin, which is much thinner, may influence the degree of color retention as well.
What if makeup styles change or totally go out of style?
As long as you aim for a natural classic shape, you will be safe from the fads that come and go. With the eyeliner or lash enhancement procedure, your natural lash line is enhanced for a fuller, beautiful and natural result. Thin, medium, and wide top and bottom eyeliners are very popular. However, my preference leans toward a more conservative, clean and natural look. Your specific look will be determined with a combination of your personal preference, my suggestions, along with a mathematical equation based on your own facial features. NATURAL IS THE PERMETIKA WAY!
Is this considered a safe process?
Normally, yes. But only if conducted by a trained professional that is educated and follows the proper sanitation and sterilization procedures. To ensure peace of mind to each of our clients, we open a sterilized tool and a manufactured sealed sterilized needle at the beginning of the procedure. The used needle is placed in a sharps container when the procedure is completed. In addition, I sanitize all areas the client will come in contact with while in my treatment rooms and I apply barrier film to protect all surfaces from contamination during a procedure. By conducting our procedures in this manner we feel that our clients' health and safety have been safeguarded to the highest standards. After leaving, it is then the client's responsibility to care for the procedure strictly adhering to the post treatment instructions, assuring normal healing and the prevention of an infection. If proper sterilization and sanitary guidelines are met, permanent cosmetics should be completely safe. These guidelines include the following:
* All Needles should be new and sterile for each client.
* Other machine parts should also be pre-sterilized and disposed of in a sanitary manner.
* Other equipment and supplies should be kept in a sanitary manner.
* Gloves should be new for each client and changed during the procedure when needed.
* The technician should be clean and neat and knowledgeable of environmental safety requirements.
* Clean sheets should be used for each patient or the non porous chair should be wiped with a sterile solution between clients.
* The room or treatment area should be in an area free from other contaminants.
Does it hurt?
Some people experience some discomfort at first, then becomes much more tolerable. Most people feel almost no pain at all because we are patient and will work with you according to your pain threshold.
HOT LITTLE TIP! BLUE GEL TOPICAL ANESTHETIC IS THE PRODUCT WE USED TO USE! It is highly effective, but The State of Texas has said that we are no longer allowed to use this product. I do know that it is available on AMAZON.com and can be purchased over the counter. If you want extra numbing, you can apply it yourself during the procedure. But you would have to bring it - and take it with you when you leave.
BROWS, SCARS & OTHER AREAS: We will start, by gently scraping the dead skin cells off of the area to be tattooed. The "feeling" typically associated with this process can be described as a mild stinging, plucking. This feeling subsides when the topical numbing cream is applied. Any discomfort after the procedure is over, is usually very minimal to none.
EYELINER & LIPS: We will apply a topical cream prior to the procedure and a gel anesthetic throughout, which normally provides almost total numbing. The "feeling" typically associated with the procedures can be described as a mild stinging, plucking or tickling sensation, which subsides as soon as the procedure is over. Any discomfort after the procedure is usually very minimal.
There may be some mild swelling and redness associated with your procedure. Your skin should return to normal relatively quickly. Allergic reactions to permanent cosmetics are quite rare. We strongly suggest a skin sensitivity test at the initial consultation at least 1 week prior to the procedure. This is done on an invisible area beforehand to see how your skin responds. You have the right to decline this test. Needles inserted too deeply in the skin can cause bleeding, spreading of pigments, and damage to hair follicles. Scarring is very rare, and usually because of an error by the practitioner performing the treatment. If proper hygiene and sterilization guidelines are followed, micropigmentation should be very safe with few risks. It is advisable not to pick or rub the treated areas to minimize the risk of causing uneven results or possible infection.
What about side effects?
During the procedure there may be some bleeding and/or bruising. There is usually some tenderness for a few days. Bruising and swelling may last approximately 72 hours following the procedure. The color is much darker than you may expect for the first 6-10 days. Antibiotics are not recommended at all unless you suspect an infection maybe brewing, at which point, you should contact your doctor for treatment. There may be other side effects unforeseen due to individuality.
How much does it cost?
Just as in many other industries, higher cost often equals higher quality! A Permanent Makeup Artist who recognized their value, is probably one who is also using proper sterilization and sanitation procedures, good equipment, and has a professional facility. All of these factors incur considerable costs, per procedure. Please refer to the PRICING tab to get specific cost on each procedure. The average usually ranges between $400-$1500 per procedure, depending where you go.
Advanced work may start with a base fee and additional hours are normally charged at $150-$250 per hour. Many of these procedures are commonly referred to as para-medical procedures.
Which methods are used at Permetika?
The methods used, will depend on the clients skin. If your skin is oily or very pourous, the (new) machine method is usally the best. But it doesn't look like overly saturated in color. It has more of an airbrushed effect to it. Fine hairline strokes are acheivable due to the machine's fine precision. But in certain cases, I also use a stippling technique as well as Microblading on those with fine, normal to dry skin.
What can I expect after the procedure?
Each procedure behaves differently after its application. Depending on which procedure you've had done, you will see various changes occur within the next few days/weeks. Immediately after the procedure is done your make-up may look like it has been stamped onto your face and will be much too dark. This is normal. You can expect swelling and redness caused by the procedure, which should diminish over the next day or so. Ice packs applied at 15 minute intervals each hour can control this. It is extremely important that post instructions are followed to guarantee the results you've just invested in. Aquaphor ointment must be applied on the treated area, and kept consistently moist. But since wounds need air to breathe, the application should be thin, not thick. Once the area has healed, there is a much greater chance that the permanent makeup will be too light or too subtle. By applying it more conservatively in the beginning, changes can be more easily made later, without being traumatized. It is much easier to add pigment than to remove it. This is the reason I require 1-2 follow-up sessions in order to receive "Certificate of Completion" (which qualifies you for a significant discount on your future Color Boost Session. The touch-ups are fast, easily tolerated and recommended to perfectly balance your outcome. Within 7-14 days, the shape may even appear to be somewhat distorted; don't worry. Your tattoo may scab over for a few days, but make sure to let it heal naturally. Do NOT pick at it or your tattoo will not appear uniform. If you have any concerns about any reactions you are experiencing, please don't hesitate to contact me. Due to varying degrees of difficulty of applications associated with lip/skin texture, wrinkles, scarring on the lips from cold sores, anti-aging laser treatments, medications, smoking, sun or tanning bed exposure and/or the use of hydroxy acids, cannot guarantee "perfect" results in two visits. Therefore, if irregularities in pigment color develop from the above mentioned conditions, additional procedures may be necessary. These conditions also affect the longevity of the permanent cosmetic, causing some persons to require maintenance sooner than others.
What medical problems can arise after a procedure?
Slim to none, providing precise methods of sanitation and sterilization were followed carefully! If a technician is NOT careful, it is possible to transmit diseases and infection. And remember, YOU have to take care of the treated area because it is an open wound. If you are not careful, an infection could occur and if allowed to get out of control, worse problems could arise. So, if you suspect an infection may be brewing, call your doctor and then call me.
What is the best amount of time to wait between sessions?
We prefer to wait at least full 8 weeks before breaking the skin again.
OUTER HEALING: The outer layer of the skin is considered to be completely healed within about 7-10 days, or when the area has stopped peeling, and has returned to normal.
INNER HEALING: The tattoo only APPEARS to be fully healed. This is because the body heals from the outside toward the inner layers. Which is why we cannot work again in the same area again until 8-12 weeks later. To do so would create tissue damage resulting in excessive scar tissue. Excessive scar tissue makes future results more difficult to "take" and certainly even more unpredictable. The longer your wait, the more collagen has been produced, which ends up holding subsequent sessions, better. So the optimal time for a followup visit is about 2-3 months, post procedure. Just long enough for the skin to heal well and the color to settle in, but not too long - because we don't want you walking around longer than you have to with a gap in your brow!
What should I know IN ADVANCE of booking a procedure?
Your overall health, and age can affect the outcome. For example, a younger person generally will heal faster than an older person. This means that an older person may loose more color, since the skin stay open longer.
The elasticity of the skin, excessive oil/dryness, uneven textures, scar tissue, can all cause different outcomes of different people. People with excessively oily skin may not hold brow strokes as well as someone with dry skin. Think of a wet sponge vs a dry one. Which one blurs more when marked on? The skin acts the same way.
Over the counter and prescribed medication may have a negative or postive effect on the healed result, depending on the product. Like ARNICA MONTANA is good. It helps the skin respond better to trauma. But FISH OILS cause you to bleed more. Think about what you're taking and what it does to your body. That will help you determine if you need to restrict taking it - or not.
Temporary and chronic medical conditions can cause a loss of color if your body is focusing on healing another part.... Just be aware of this and expect to have a follow up session or two. Remember, the higher your expectations, the more follow up sessions are required..
Such as alpha hydroxy, glycolic or phenol acids, Retin-A, Retinol, fruit peels and bleaching creams should NEVER be applied around the tattooed area, as it will cause premature fading.
Such as DermaPlaning and Microdermabrasion. These services do not typically come in contact with tattooed areas, but if they do, could cause premature fading as well. If you shave your brows, premature fading will occur.
Botox, dermal fillers, facial surgery, facial implants, fat transfers will most likely alter the appearance of tattooed areas, requiring corrective measures. NEVER get your brows tattooed following botox injections. You should wait 4-6 months for the effects to wear off. Brows should be tattooed in their natural state.
If you live for the sun, smoke like a train & drink like a fish, your results will not be optimal!
So stop smoking for a couple of weeks, prior to your procedure(s) and for a couple of weeks following the session. Or for your as long as you can possibly hold out.... because the carbon monoxide in your cigarette has been proven to impede the healing process, as it restricts the oxygen content in your blood, Of course, you will still heal if you continue to smoke... it will just take longer, which will allow more pigment to release, rather than heal in. You will also require more visits to complete the process...
Should I consider a career in permanent cosmetics?
The GREAT news is that anyone can become a technician.
The HORRIBLE news is anyone can become a technician.
All it takes, LEGALLY, is to purchase a license from the state and follow the rules. But I feel that the rules are almost impossible to enforce because there are too few inspectors and far too many technicians pouring into the field.
But this is an awesome field, for the person with a calling. That means you want nothing more than to help women and men regain something that they lost, or never had. And you have artistic ability, a strong understanding of color theory, plenty of patience and can draw something that looks realistic... because if you can't draw on paper, it will be very difficult to apply the art on human skin.
I strongly feel there are many great opportunities, if you have the skills, opportunities abound as the demand for advanced and para-medical procedures increases with public knowledge of the benefits of permanent cosmetic makeup. Just don't forget the components for success: artistic talent, true concern/compassion for the people who put their faith in your hands, and a lot of patience. Please inquire for possible opportunities within., I can't imagine doing anything else. But I had an advantage, in that I had previous training in art, specifically in portraiture. I didn't pursue that career at the time, but I learned some valuable., prior to my decision to pursue this field. With that said,