Former Houston Evening News Anchor
Famous YouTube Influencer
Experience the Magic!
FLASHBACK Skin Tightening
Eyelid Transformation at: 00:28-00.42
Flashback Skin Tightening
This is a modified version of a procedure you may (or may not) have heard of called Fibroblast Skin Tightening and/or Plasma Lift procedures.
If you look them up, you'll find that many people have had great results., but some people are left with deeply pitted skin.
To lessen the possibility of pitting or excessive scarring, Dr. Victoria Zavala and I came up with a less invasive technique that still delivers great results, with less downtime and less trauma to the skin.
Thermal energy (heat) is directed into the surface of the skin using a device that that transmits a spark (plasma). This singeing action causes the skin to contract - tightening up the surface tension in the skin which in turn, activates a healing process where the Fibroblast cells help build new collagen and elastin! The results create the long-term blanket effect of firming, lifting, and tightening that can last for 6 months to 3 years, depending on the person treated.
Results will vary and follow-up sessions may be necessary.
Downtime is minimal when compared to surgery and ranges from 5 days to a couple of weeks. The main crusting falls off within the first week, but you might experience a reddish or chapped appearance with residual pinkness that could last for a few weeks to up to a few months. Treatment is minimally invasive but it does come with some pain. However, the results are worth it!
Procedure Costs by Treated Areas
FULL FACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FULL FACE & NECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- NECK ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FOREHEAD LINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SIDES OF FACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UPPER EYE LIDS w/Brow Lift . . . . . . . .
LOWER EYE LIDS w/Crows Feet . . . .
NASOLABIAL FOLDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CROWS FEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CHIN AREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MARIONETTE LINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UPPER & LOWER LIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UPPER & LOWER LIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SCAR CAMOUFLAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $850+
TUMMY & STRETCHMARKS. . . . . . . . $2500+
FOUR Procedures. Fully healed. No Makeup! No Filters!
COSMETIC TATTOOING OF BROWS . . . . (MicroBlading w/Shading)
FLASHBACK Skin Tightening . . . . . . . . . . . . (Softening of Facial Lines)
FLASHBACK Skin Corrector . . . . . . . . . . . (Reduction of Sun Spots)
COSMETIC TATTOOING OF LIPS . . . . . . . . (Full Lip Color)
Wrinkle Softening:
Crows feet
Upper Lids
Lower Lids
Nasolabial Folds
Lines between the brows (The 11’s)
Lines around the Ears
Ear Lobes
Marionette Lines
Neck Lines
The AFTER picture on the right shows healed results at 3 weeks. This procedure drastically reduces unwanted pigmentation from any area of the body.
What areas can be treated?
Basically The main areas of concern for most poeple are areas of the Face, Neck, & Décolleté. However, any area presenting loose, crepey skin can most likely be treated.
Who is a good candidate?
Fair-skinned clients in the Fitzpatrick Range of 1-3 are the best candidates since their skin normally does not become hyperpigmented after an injury to the skin.
Fair-skinned clients with crepe-like skin.
Fair-skinned clients with sagging skin.
Clients with medium skin tones may be good candidates if their scars heal LIGHT not dark. Testing is required starting on the lowest machine setting on the first session and testing will be performed on the most inconspicuous areas first, for safety's sake.
Who's NOT a candidate for Flashback Skin Treatments?
If you have a Pacemaker.
If you are an Immune-suppressed or compromised patient.
If you have had organ transplants
If you are a slow healer. (diabetes, peripheral vascular disease)
If you have recently been exposed to the sun or have a sunburn, you must wait.
If you have darker skin, this treatment may experience hyperpigmentation on and around the treated area(s).
If you are prone to keloid scarring, don't' risk it.
IF you are pregnant or nursing a baby.
If you are harvesting eggs or trying to get pregnant.
If you have uncontrolled diabetes.
If you have any lymphatic drainage issues or any healing disorders.
If you are undergoing any form of cancer treatment.
If you have a cold, fever, or any other contagious illness.
If you are having work done around your mouth and have EVER experienced cold sores or fever blisters (Herpes Simplex Virus) you must contact your doctor to get a prescription for Valtrex prior to the treatment. Follow doctors orders for dosage schedule.
If you have taken Accutane in the past year, you must get a doctor's clearance. In most cases, you must be clear of this medication for one year!
If you have inflamed skin of any kind including severe acne, Eczema, or Psoriasis, you will not be a candidate.
If you have Vitiligo, it may cause a flare-up.
If you have lash extensions and want an eye treatment, you must have lashes removed prior to your visit and can have them reapplied in 4 weeks.
If you are undergoing medical treatment,
please consult with your doctor for clearance on all Cosmetic Procedures!
Drastic Results...
No Surgery! No Makeup!
No Photoshop! No Trick-lighting!
Three weeks after LID TIGHTENING and other procedures listed below...
Tribella Skin Tightening
Filler to improve volume in cheeks and to improve jawline. Lash Extensions applied.
To learn more about this process: CLICK HERE
This Flashback Treatment is an alternative to laser treatment. It removes or reduces the presence of benign skin lesions or irregularities such as the following:
TELANGIECTASIAS (Broken capillaries)
Broken capillaries are small dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin or mucus membranes. They can develop anywhere on the body but are commonly seen on the face around the nose, cheeks, chin, and chest. They can be caused by environmental damage such as sun or cold exposure and may increase as we age. Trauma to the skin such a contusions and surgical procedures are also a factor as well as radiation therapy.
CHERRY ANGIOMAS (Tiny red spots on face, neck or body)
Cherry Angiomas are small clusters of capillaries at the surface of the skin that form a small round dome, orpapule, which is often flat topped. The color typically ranges from bright red to purple. When they first begin to appear, they are almost flat and appear as small red dots. These dots can grow over time up to a centimeter or more in some cases. Larger cherry angiomas may be thick and raised. These are found in various areas of the face and body and are typically caused by aging, pregnancy, genetics, and excessive sun exposure.
SEBACEOUS HYPERPLASIA (Small "donut-like bumps)
Sebaceous Hyperplasia is a disorder of the oil glands and is a common, benign condition most commonly found in adults of middle age or older. These lesions can be single or multiple and appear as a yellow, soft, small papule on the face. They are round and the oil surrounds the pore giving it a "donut-like" appearance. Typically these occur on the nose, cheeks, and forehead. Occasionally, sebaceous hyperplasia appear on the chest or other parts of the body as well.
LENTIGO (Brown Spots Flat Spots)
Brown Spots, or are small pigmented spots that occur on the skin and have a clearly defined edge, surrounded by skin that appears normal. These are benign and restricted to the cell layer directly above the deepest membrane of the epidermis, which is where the melanocytes that make up these spots normally reside. Unlike freckles, these will stay stable in their color regardless of sunlight exposure. The most common, benign, sun induced lesion is a solar lentigo (actinic lentigo, senile lentigo, sun spot, liver spot). They occur in sun exposed areas appearing on the face, arms, tops of hands, and chest. The spots are typically smaller than 5mm in diameter and can be flat or depressed and may be split by fine wrinkles. The lesions are usually brown in color and may range from yellow-tan to black. Older lesions are often darker brown or black and can slowly increase in number and in size. It is most commonly found in individuals aged 30-50 years old. Increased exposure to sun and artificial sources of UV light can cause these to appear at an even younger age.
SEBORRHEIC KERATOSIS (Brown Scab-like Spots)
Seborrheic keratosis is a non-cancerous (benign) skin. lesion that originates from cells in the outer layer of the epidermis, also known as keratinocytes. Like liver spots, seborrheic keratoses are seen more often as people age. These lesions can be slightly elevated and have a waxy or scaly appearance like a scab from a wound. They can appear round of oval, ranging from very small to more than one inch in size. These growths can appear in various colors, ranging from light tan to black, and have been often described as having a "pasted on" appearance. Seborrheic keratoses are commonly found on the face, chest, shoulders, and back. Although typically painless, they can become irritated from clothing or jewelry that causes friction. While seborrheic keratosis is non-cancerous, basal cell carcinoma can sometimes be found in the same location and sometimes can progress into basal cell carcinoma.
ACROCHORDON (Small SKIN TAGS attached to skin)
A skin tag is a small benign irregularity that primarily forms in areas where the skin creases, such as the neck, armpit, and groin. Sometimes they may also appear on the eyelids or other areas of the face. These are harmless and typically painless and do not grow or change over time. Skin tags can be large, sometimes up to a half-inch long, but are most commonly about the size of a grain of rice. The surface can range from smooth to rough. They can become irritated by shaving, clothing, or jewelry. Common causes are weight gain, genetic, diabetes, and pregnancy. They are also more common in women than men.
BLACKHEADS (pores appearing black under the skin)
Blackheads, or comedones, are a black-colored bumps on the skin. A blackhead is a type of acne called vulgarism. These are caused by excess oil that has accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. The substance found in these bumps typically consists mostly of keratin and sebum. Clogged Hair follicles (where blackheads tend to occur) reflect light irregularly which produces a black hue. For this reason, the contents of the blackhead may not look black when extracted, but more so a yellow or brown color. Also, the open follicle begins to oxidize which contributes to the black appearance as well.
MILIA (white-colored bump just under the skin)
Milia is a keratin-filled cyst that can appear just under the epidermis. Milia are very common in newborn babies but can appear in people of all ages. They are most commonly found around the nose and eye. In children, milia disappear easily, on their own. However, in adults, they may require removal by a skincare professional.
CYSTIC ACNE (blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and cysts)
Cystic acne is a common skin disease, characterized by areas of the skin with blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pimples, and cysts usually accompanied by scarring. Acne is most common on the face, back, and chest and can sometimes be inflammatory. Acne is most common during adolescence but is also often found in young adults, or even adults forty and over. Acne develops from blockages in the hair follicles. Hormones play a huge role in breakouts.